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Events Calendar

Dr. Martin_Luther_King,_Jr., photo: Nobel Foundation

Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration

Monday, January 15, 2024, 11:00am

About the event

The following is some background information on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee of Santa Barbara.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Committee of Santa Barbara (MLKSB) was formed in 2007, by a group of concerned and dedicated people who wanted to plan a commemoration of the MLK Jr. holiday for Santa Barbara. The group was preceded by a number of other organizations that had various celebrations throughout the years, since the national holiday was established in 1987.

The mission of MLKSB is to foster positive relationships between the many diverse groups in the Santa Barbara community and the surrounding areas; to sponsor programs and events, which exemplify the vision and legacy of Dr. King; and to observe, and celebrate the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

This coming celebration will include emphasis on environmental and social justice, in which Dr, King was an early pioneer.  On April 3, 1968 he spoke as part of the Memphis sanitation workers strike, and stated his concern over working conditions that were unsafe.  He was instrumental in passing the Civil Rights Act, and the Clean Air Act of 1963 and the Clean Water Act of 1972.

A highlight of program offerings this year, is the Essay and Poetry Awards Program for students ages six through eighteen, for which hundreds of entries are received. This year the program expanded outreach to more regions in the county. Over the past 17 years, additional programs have included Town Hall meetings with a focus on health, and the pandemic; education, related to the underserved communities, and leadership training for the Board of Directors.  We also partner each year with the University of California, in sponsoring a commemorative program at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Eternal Flame, in which the Santa Barbara and surrounding communities are invited.

For the past 17 years we have offered all events free and open to the public

MLKSB  is a 501c3 non-profit organization and has no paid staff.

Please feel free to peruse website:

Photo: Nobel Foundation

Monday, January 15, 2024

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Santa Barbara International Film Festival photo from State Street